Mar 27, 2011

Free Game : Aegis Wing

Another free game today! behold.... Aegis wing! Aegis wing is your typical side scrolling shooter, you know like Space invaders but horizontal. The game is very simple, in fact it is an arcade game. You are the pilot of a spaceship destined to save Earth. The goal is to shoot your way through your enemies while you take power ups to make life easier. Four power ups are available, 1. Extra fire power as in extra heat seeking rockets, 2. A laser, a big fucking laser that shoots through everything, 3. A power disrupter, making all nearby enemies useless, 4. A shield, a shield that reflects enemy fire and fires them back right at them.

This game is actually really good, no awesome graphics or a long game, but really a fun game. This game also has achievements, may the game itself be quite easy the achievements are not, a real challenge for the pro gamers. Another great feature is the multiplayer, you can team up with 3 other people either at home or online to shoot your way through the levels, hell you can even make your spaceship join with the other 3 players making it a bad ass Enterprise.

As always a video so you can get a feeling what I am talking about :

This game is available on the Xbox Marketplace, just search at the arcade games and you should be able to download it for free! Enjoy!


The cake is not a lie!
The cake is not a lie!
The cake is not a lie!
The cake is not a lie!

Thanks to all followers who made this possible, I appreciate every one of you. Now lets go for 200!

More reviews incoming, more free games incoming and last but not least, a portal lets play!